Fingers Reef


Dive Into a World of Wonder with Us at Fingers Reef Dive Center!


Hello, ocean lovers! Here at our dive center, we’re passionate about the underwater realm and have a particular soft spot for a special place called Fingers Reef. If you haven’t dived there yet, stick with us as we take you on a virtual tour of this fantastic site!

Fingers Reef is our hidden gem, a spectacular marine marvel we can’t wait for you to explore. This underwater wonder is nestled away from bustling city life, and our experienced crew will guide you there safely from our center. Trust us, the journey is as much an adventure as the destination, offering glimpses of awe-inspiring landmarks.

Join us for a dive or snorkel tour of Fingers Reef and discover the beauty of Key Largo’s underwater world. With our personalized approach and commitment to responsible tourism, you can be sure that your experience with Silent World Dive Center will be safe, comfortable, and unforgettable. Get ready to make unforgettable memories and explore the beauty of Fingers Reef with us.

Why Fingers Reef is a Diver’s Delight

Let’s go beneath the surface and explore why Fingers Reef is a diver’s delight. This marine sanctuary didn’t get its name from a hat; it’s named for its unique “fingers” formation— think of a giant hand spreading out into the blue.

The reef is also home to an impressive variety of fish. Picture the clownfish, colorful and charming, playing hide-and-seek amongst the anemones. Schools of vibrant angelfish and butterflyfish glide gracefully through the water, adding a splash of color against the blue backdrop of the ocean.

It’s not all about the little guys, though. Fingers Reef is also frequented by some larger marine residents. Graceful turtles are often sighted, swimming lazily among the coral fingers. If you’re lucky, you might even spot the mesmerizing sight of a manta ray soaring through the water with its wings spread wide.

Fingers Reef scuba dive site has countless smaller critters and fascinating macro life. It’s a macro photographer’s paradise, from camouflaged scorpionfish to darting blennies and intricately patterned nudibranchs!

Our experienced dive guides will ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable experience, whether you are snorkeling or scuba diving. We keep our excursion sizes small, with a maximum of 14 people per trip, to ensure personalized attention and ample space in the water. Our all-inclusive amenities include scuba or snorkel gear, water, chips, various sodas, and a cooler for outside snacks and drinks. We take pride in being an eco-conscious dive shop and protecting our only living coral barrier reef in the continental United States by supplying FREE reef safe sunscreen. Our professionals will be there to help you with any questions about the environment, equipment, or snorkeling.

At Silent World, we understand the importance of creating a memorable vacation experience. That’s why we offer a family atmosphere and the opportunity for friends and family to participate in snorkeling while others scuba dive. No matter your level of experience, Fingers Reef is a dive site you cannot miss out on. Come join us for an unforgettable underwater adventure!

Distinctive Features of Fingers Reef

Fingers Reef, located off the coast of Florida, is a fascinating geological formation that showcases unique features and contributes to the diverse marine ecosystem of the region.

One notable characteristic of Fingers Reef is its structure. The reef extends along the Florida coastline, resembling the outstretched fingers of a hand. This elongated and narrow shape distinguishes it from other reefs in the area, creating a visually captivating sight both above and below the water’s surface.

The reef is renowned for its abundant coral diversity. It provides a habitat for a wide variety of corals, including both hard and soft species. These corals form intricate formations and serve as vital shelter and feeding grounds for numerous marine organisms. The vibrant colors and intricate shapes of the coral colonies contribute to the reef’s overall beauty and ecological significance.

The marine biodiversity found within Fingers Reef is remarkable. It supports a wealth of marine life, including a vast array of fish species, crustaceans, mollusks, and other invertebrates. This rich ecosystem sustains a complex food chain and offers ample opportunities for marine exploration and scientific research.

Fingers Reef’s waters are known for their clarity and visibility, which contribute to its distinctiveness. The absence of pollution and sedimentation helps maintain the pristine condition of the reef’s environment. These clear waters provide an optimal setting for snorkeling, scuba diving, and underwater photography, allowing visitors to appreciate the mesmerizing beauty of the reef up close.

The preservation of Fingers Reef is of utmost importance, given its significance to the marine ecosystem of Florida. Efforts have been made to protect and conserve this unique natural formation, with designated marine reserves and conservation initiatives in place. These measures aim to ensure the long-term sustainability and ecological health of the reef for future generations to enjoy and study.

Your Journey Begins Here

If the Fingers Reef sounds enticing to you, here’s some crucial information. Regardless of whether you’re a newbie or an experienced diver, Fingers Reef has something for everyone.

Join us for an unforgettable dive to Fingers Reef. Not only will you have a fantastic diving experience, but you’ll also be supporting our mission to sustain and celebrate the ocean’s wonders. Dive in, explore, and fall in love with the incredible marine life that Fingers Reef has to offer!

At Silent World Dive Center, we take pride in providing the highest quality diving and snorkeling experiences for all of our guests. Our experienced team of professionals will guide you through the stunning underwater landscape of Fingers Feef, ensuring that you have a safe, comfortable, and unforgettable adventure.

We offer a variety of tours to suit all experience levels, from beginners to advanced divers. Our small group sizes mean that you will have personalized attention and ample time to explore the beauty of Fingers Reef at your own pace. Our tours are all-inclusive, with amenities such as water, snacks, and equipment provided.

At Silent World Dive Center, we take pride in providing the highest quality diving and snorkeling experiences for all of our guests. Our experienced team of professionals will guide you through the stunning underwater landscape of Fingers Reef, ensuring that you have a safe, comfortable, and unforgettable adventure.

We offer a variety of tours to suit all experience levels, from beginners to advanced divers. Our small group sizes mean that you will have personalized attention and ample time to explore the beauty of Fingers Reef at your own pace. Our tours are all-inclusive, with amenities such as water, snacks, and equipment provided.


At Silent World Dive Center, we offer a wide range of PADI courses for divers of all levels. Whether you’re a beginner looking to get your open water certification or an experienced diver looking to hone your skills, we have the perfect course for you. Our conservation courses also teach divers about the importance of marine conservation and how to protect the underwater environment.

Plan Your Trip to Fingers Reef with Silent World Dive Center

Ready to explore Fingers Reef with Silent World Dive Center? Here’s what you need to know to plan your trip:

Book your trip in advance: We recommend booking your snorkeling or scuba diving excursion at Fingers Reef in advance to ensure availability. You can easily book online or give us a call to reserve your spot.
Choose your equipment: Silent World Dive Center provides all the necessary gear for your snorkeling or scuba diving adventure. You’ll have the option to choose your equipment, including wetsuits and fins, to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience.
Get your certification: If you’re new to scuba diving, we offer a variety of certification courses to get you started. We’ll provide all the necessary training and equipment so you can explore Fingers Reef with confidence.
Arrive at the dive center: On the day of your trip, arrive at Silent World Dive Center in Key Largo at least 30 minutes before your scheduled departure time. We’ll check you in and make sure you have everything you need for your adventure.
Enjoy your excursion: Once you’re on the boat, sit back and relax as we take you to Fingers Reef. Our experienced guides will provide safety instructions and an overview of the dive site before you jump in the water. Then, it’s time to explore the beauty and wonder of Fingers Reef!

At Silent World Dive Center, we strive to provide a seamless and enjoyable experience for all our customers. We can’t wait to take you on an unforgettable adventure at Fingers Reef.

Book a Trip to Fingers Reef

Booking your tour with us is easy and hassle-free, and our knowledgeable staff is always available to answer any questions you may have. We invite you to join us on an unforgettable adventure and experience the beauty of Key Largo’s unique underwater world. Book your tour today and get ready to make unforgettable memories with Silent World Dive Center.